Last updated 31st July 2020 All Our Clinics Are Now Open!Our Patient Guide Video below tells you about changes at out clinics. It includes key information ahead of your appointment and a few simple precautions to keep us all safe. Last updated 24th March 2020 All Our Clinics Are Currently SuspendedIt is with a heavy heart that following government guidance our clinics are currently suspended for face-to-face consultations but continue to accept referrals and instructions. Assessments for rehabilitation and expert witness reports will be conducted via video link. Last updated 17th March 2020 In January this year we published a blog about the importance of proper hand washing and hygiene procedures during your skin camouflage practical and scar therapy session. You can read our blog below. Little did we know then just how important this is… effective hand washing is key to minimising the risk of contracting or spreading coronavirus. We want you to know that we practice the highest standards of hand hygiene and equipment decontamination. Whether you are attending 10 Harley Street, The Broad Street Practice in Stamford or one of our clinics based at BMI The Duchy Hospital Harrogate, BMI Woodlands Hospital Darlington or BMI Sandringham Hospital Kings Lynn, you can be assured that all necessary precautions are being taken for patients and staff to minimise the risk of contracting coronavirus. What to do before your appointment Please consider the latest guidance regarding signs and symptoms to look out for ahead of your appointment. If you have recently returned from any of the counties most affected by conoravirus or if you, or a member of your immediate household are unwell and are experiencing a new and persistent cough and have a high temperature, you should not attend your appointment and must follow the latest guidance on isolation at home. If you need to postpone please try to give us as much notice as you can. We will be happy to reschedule your session for a time when things are better. You will find details of how best to contact us on your appointment letter. When you arrive for your appointment
When you arrive at any of our clinics you will be asked a few simple questions about recent travel and any current health concerns. You will also be asked to either wash and dry your hands thoroughly or will be offered hand sanitizer which you should spread over your hands back and front and between your fingers just as if you were washing your hands. We look forward to a time when coronavirus is behind us all, but in the meantime, with a few simple precautions, we can continue to offer skin camouflage and scar therapy to those who need us. Take care and best wishes, Vanessa.
The beauty industry is unregulated in the UK. This means that whilst there are very many well trained and conscientious beauty therapists out there, technically anyone can work in the beauty industry, open their own salon with little or no qualifications and without proper insurance. As the variety and complexity of products, equipment, and beauty treatment increases, so does the potential for things to go wrong, especially if the therapist is inexperienced or under qualified. When things go wrong clients can be left with distressing allergic reactions, burns, altered skin pigmentation or scarring. Not surprisingly many are calling for beauty industry to be regulated. When things do go wrong, it can often be difficult for those effected to seek compensation. Ever the campaigner for good training, accountability and CPD, and as an experienced Expert Witness in her field, Vanessa recently came across a book called ‘An Introduction to Beauty Negligence Claims’ via the Association of Personal Injury APIL. Before devoting herself wholly to para-medical skin camouflage some twenty plus years ago, Vanessa was as a qualified Beauty Therapist with two well-respected, successful salons. In her role as Expert Witness she has been called upon to give her opinion to the Court when a beauty treatment has gone wrong and advise how skin camouflage can help. With this in mind, she found the book to be of particular interest. Written by Greg Almond, Senior Associate at Rotheras Solicitors, the book provides a practical guide for personal injury solicitors to help navigate their clients through potential beauty and cosmetic negligence claims. The first part of the guide describes the most and least common beauty treatments offered and how they should be performed, i.e. by a qualified and competent practitioner. It goes on to provide guidance on how the particulars of a case should be presented to ensure a justified claim and successful claim. The second part discusses practicalities including the measures the practitioners should be taking to safeguard their clients: pre-treatment questionnaires, patch testing, risk assessments, the provision of proper information to clients and insurance. In addition, there is a helpful resources section which provides guidance to the solicitor in ensuring they have access to the appropriate professionals to provide an experienced, impartial Expert Opinion. We are delighted to say, without bias that Vanessa is included by way of reference in this book. This is truly a testament to her decades of experience both as a Skin Camouflage Consultant and as an Expert Witness. Reference: An Introduction to Beauty Negligence Claims. A Practical Guide For The Personal Injury Practitioner. Law Brief Publishing. Paperback: 978-1-911035-89-3
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February 2023