Covid-19 update - We are delighted to welcome you to your face-to-face consultation! As Britain marches forward with an unprecedented vaccination programme and the eventual appearance of some much-needed sunshine, we can begin to look forward to a summer that more closely resembles ‘normal’. That said, whilst we embrace that the Covid-19 risk is currently receding in the UK, it has not gone away and we must proceed towards a relaxation of precautions with care. Your wellbeing and that of our team continues to be our priority. We would like to reassure our patients and referrers that we continue to adhere to the strictest Covid-19 precautions at all of our clinics: Ten Harley Street, London, The Broad Street Practice Stamford, our GP Practice in Harrogate and hospital locations. Our team is also encouraged to take up their vaccination offer as soon as it is available to them and those with close patient contact have regular lateral flow tests. Covid-19 Patient Guide You will need to complete our Covid-19 screening questionnaire sent to you by email prior to your appointment to assess any issues that may put you at greater risk or to determine whether you should possibly take a test before you attend. Please ensure you are well for you, but most importantly free of potential covid symptoms before you attend your appointment, you will be required to complete a health declaration on the day.
You should be aware of and be willing to comply with our policy regarding face coverings, hand washing and social distancing. If you have an authorised exemption from wearing a face covering, we will need you to provide evidence of this. We are asking you to follow just a few rules to continue to keep each other safe. If you have any questions or are unsure about something, please do contact Sue Ward on 020 467 8466 who will be happy to help. We look forward to seeing you very soon!
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February 2023